All photographs should be in JPG / JPEG format. The size should be greater than 2MB with atleast 4 mega pixel resolution.
Basic editing like color enhancement, simple lighting, contrast and croping is allowed.
Advanced editing and manipulating digital compositions in the image is prohibited.
The file name of the submitted image must be the full name of the participant.
The images must be original and should not contain any watermark/ signature/ logo/copyright.
Participants should provide the details of the image including the details of camera or device used for photography, in word or pdf format along with the image.
Files that are unable to open or are in an incompatible format will be disqualified
Only one photo per participant is allowed.
The participants are encouraged to focus and capture the best moments representing the theme within the campus.
Registration fees - ₹ 200 per head UPI ID for payment: abinjochan11-5@okicici