
Anti Ragging Cell

As per UGC regulations, Anti ragging cell performs different functions under the following headings. Measures for prevention of ragging at the institutional level. Allotting roles and responsibilities to the members of anti-ragging committee. Taking action and punishments against students indulging in ragging.


Community Members

Rev. Fr. Thomas Kanjiravelil

Asst. Professor 


Dr. Nisha S

Asst. Professor

PhD, MA Hindi, B.Ed

01 JUNE 2015 Onwards

Jobin P Joseph

Asst. Professor and Head of the Department

MA Malayalam, B.Ed

01 JULY 2016  Onwards

Reshmi R Nair

Asst. Professor

M. A. English,UGC - NET, MA Philosophy (Pursuing)

11 NOV 2022  Onwards

Jeena Mary Varghese

Asst. Professor

M. Com

MSW  (Pursuing)

19 AUG 2019  Onwards

John Varghese

Asst. Professor

MSc. Computer Science

06 OCT 2015  Onwards